My name is Lela Lewis, and I'm from Los Angeles, California. I currently attend Grand Canyon University, where I'm studying motion design with a focus on sports motion graphics. I have a passion for broadcast media design and production, and I work for an in-house media team at the Global Credit Union Arena. As I approach my senior year in the fall of 2024, I am open to summer internships.
I am also an Entrepreneur. In 2020, I founded my brand, Ellumunate, which offers basics, loungewear, and activewear that inspire women to walk in their true identity in Christ. In the future, I would like to open up brick-and-mortar stores and host conferences that will allow young women to connect and grow in Christ. Ultimately, I have a passion to serve in everything I do. Whether that is in design, entrepreneurship, or other endeavors, I aim to do everything in excellence, joyfully, and dutifully!
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